Whenever if you suffer from a serious long term condition, there isdefinitely a way of not falling into despair. If you are a Buddhist,tell yourself: ' May this sickness purify my past negative actions.May I also take on the suffering of others, and go through it intheir place.' Consider that countless beings are suffering just likeyou and pray that your suffering may help to appease theirs. Ifyou don't not have the strength to reflect in this way, the simplefact of being aware that you are not alone and that many othersare in the same situation will help you to bear your hardship.
If you are a Christian, and you have faith in God as creatorof the universe, comfort yourself by thinking, 'I have notwanted suffering, but there must be a reason for it sinceGod, in his compassion, has given me life.'
If you do not have religious faith, you can think thathowever terrible your misfortune, you are not the only one tosuffer in this way. Even if you have no belief, try to imagine,above the area of your pain, a vivid light that pervades anddissoles your pain, and see if that helps.
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